You didn't? Did you? All by yourself?!
This just leaves me speechless. I viewed it with my old computer at first with low quality and it still lagged quite much. Now i've got my new computer with amd athlon 64 3200+ and it runs perfectly. Now I decided to write this review.First off, amazing. You should do animations for living if you don't already. That's just insane. Realistic and gory. You worked on every little detail and effect. And, boy, that shows up. Your movie's crappiest parts look better than most of the flashes I've ever seen. This is just ubelievable. The sound effects where great. The heroine had nice boobs and I like the enemy design too. How on earth do they look so much like the combine of HL2? Coincidence? The violence was alright too, and though many of the drawings where pretty static, but they looked awesome. What is your equipment? Have you got one of those drawing tablets? I think I've said enough. If you ever read this review, I would like to see a reply to some of my questions.